Sunday 30 October 2016

Warpstorm IX 2016 - done and won

Warpstorm IX 2016 has been done and won.

It was a bleak cold weekend in Wellington - which of course is perfect wargaming weather. 

Luckily when we packed up on the Sunday it had cleared and was very sunny, which was fantastic for taking the tables back to their home. 

Overall it was a great success, we raffled off a copy of Deathwatch: Overkill (supplied by Mighty Ape) for the Wellington City Mission, 8 trophies got given away, and everybody had fun (max sports scores for the weekend).

The participants in some of their glory

Breakdown of the results
Thanks goes out once again to all the supporters (sponsor, table and terrain suppliers, bye busters) and participants who (apart from the stressful week prior when I ended up having several dropouts that I needed to find replacements for) were amazing with zero drama llamas.

Congratulations to all the winners... and here's some photos from the event

26 happy gamers 

Nigel's cool Razorback

Daemonic goodbadness from Glen

Fantastic diorama base... more here

More Eldar shenanigans

Flying Circus

First Place army... just a bit of firepower

How now blue Tau?

Best Presented army.... nice

Lucky bugger

Hope to see you all again soon!

Sunday 23 October 2016

Warpstorm IX lists are available...

With 5pointsomethinorother days to go, the lists have been released to the participants so they can start planning/practising/scheming/or even whinging if they want to... 

You can download them here

Apart from pick up tables etc., all that remains is to pick up the trophies!

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Warpstorm IX... an update

Ok, a week and half (or thereabouts) until Warpstorm IX.

A reminder: army lists are due by this Friday 21st, I have received a couple already so that's great, remember I will be spending my Friday evening (only, hopefully) checking lists so I can get them all sent out to the attendees... so anything you can do to make my life easier in this regard would be awesome.

Also, a parcel arrived in the mail today from Mighty Ape...

This is what will be raffled off at the weekend - so all you Genestealer Cultists in hiding or noble warriors of the Deathwatch/Imperium start counting your coins.