Saturday 28 July 2018

Warpstorm XI 27/28 October 2018

The players pack for Warpstorm XI is available here. It will be registered with ITC.

Key points:

·         Consist of 1500 points or less
·         Be made up of 1-3 Detachments
·         Be Battle-forged (no Unbound armies)

Some changes have been made to previous Players Packs so I would recommend a read. 

Even if you have been to my tournaments before...

If you want to know more about the ITC, check out their website 

Wednesday 25 July 2018

I have actually also painted other things...

... just not 'models'.

Back before Warpstorm I was lucky enough to purchase a set of terrain from Wargames Tournaments, that included free worldwide shipping.

Unfortunately it arrived after the tournament so I set about undercoating and assembling.

This was my first MDF terrain and I really did not appreciate the time and effort it would take (optimism bias off the chart). However perseverance, some advice from Peter Dunn on sprays, and I got there in the end. I did do a spot of weathering as well.

With this product I have found that despite a desire to break it down and reassemble it every time, the practicalities of this are unrealistic (also some parts don't lock/wedge together tightly enough so require constant adjusting). So next purchase is some glue that works on painted surfaces and two 60L containers to store it.

This is a 6'x3' setup

One of the things this set was lacking was some LoS blocking terrain - enter Jake Easton who whipped me up some 6"x3" containers. Time to call that done.

Will be a good table to play over for Kill Team (or Necromunda) too.

Sunday 22 July 2018

So I have painted a model...

... actually painted one! Yes just the one. 

After comment that it was a pity the Dark Apostle for my Word Bearers wasn't painted, I went ahead and painted it.

He will fit in nicely and add some flavour and character (I mean, what sort of Word Bearer army wouldn't have a Dark Apostle?) 

The army is now up on eBay, we'll see how that goes.

2018 Painting update
Weeks of the year complete: 30
Models painted: 1
Vehicles painted: 0