Monday 22 February 2016

Upcoming tournaments - a notice


Thanks to a very supportive family, I am exited to announce provisional notice for two tournaments that I will be umpiring (or at the very least organising) this year.

Maelstrom IX is tentatively booked for 11/12 June 2016
Warpstorm IX is tentatively booked for 29/30 October 2016

Both will be held at Cashmere Ave School, Khandallah, Wellington. Pencil them in!

According to the qualification calendar year for the 40k Masters (being held in Christchurch this year) 29/30 October will most likely be the last chance for people to qualify (assuming there is not going to be a tournament on Monday 31st... stranger things have happened I am sure). 

Hopefully I will have confirmation in the next week or so. More details to come... and maybe players packs...


  1. Just the impetus I need to finish putting together and painting the extra terminators I need for my death wing army :)

  2. Hi Hagen,
    Any hints on Warpstorm format? Points/Comp etc?

    1. Just published a new post for Warpstorm!
